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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

FOR365 Questions

    This class has been a good "end of degree (in Natural Resources)" review for me because it has sort of taken all of the things I have learned in many classes and put them together in a way of "Yup, this is all the stuff you should know pretty well by now," and I feel like I do. Do I have questions? Yes, but they are the kind that can't be answered, even with science. I wish I could predict the future (on second thought, maybe I don't...) In any case, it's people I wonder about. I have taken my share of psychology and sociology classes and, while it is interesting to pontificate on human behavior, we're just too complicated to be figured out. Period. I'm not an old guy by any means, but I've been around long enough to have had many ideologues of youth crushed by realities of life. It doesn't stop me from believing in a better future or being chronically cynical (although I admit I have my moments.) I was raised in a time when it was perfectly OK to over-consume in fantastic ways that, in hindsight are absolutely absurd. I wasn't the only one - almost everyone was like that. Society has changed and for the better in many ways. But some things remain the same. Africa is simply a mess. Political corruption is growing, and it is especially growing in our our country. 

    I believe our biggest problem with environmental issues is rooted in campaign contributions and its effects on environmental policy. Corporations wishing to do business that can affect environmental health have very, very deep pockets and with the current framework of policy-making in place, money has too large of an impact. I am not saying that it is impossible to overcome the lobby of big-oil, mining, and automobile manufacturers, but the game is tilted in their favor the way it is now. I truly think campaign finance reform could have the greatest positive impact on environmental causes than any other social change. Politicians are supposed to represent all of the people in their constituency (and companies too,) but when a few people who have the most to gain control decisions over the masses that don’t, something is very wrong. And it is the single greatest flaw in our political system today, in my opinion. Somehow, and I think we have the ways to do it now. Politicians need to truly hear their constituency and weigh the will of the little people with their conscience as much as they do their career.  

    I have always been a Star Trek fan. Deep within all the sci-fi silliness lies a wonderful premise; society has no use for money anymore, it values all people and tries to help people become their best selves, there is no more war for the reasons above. Yes, it is fiction. But it is worthy of shooting for.

    So, do I have questions. Sure. In fact, I question just about everything...and I think that's a good thing. I question whether Quantum mechanics is the best description of our reality and the nature of nature (I don't doubt it is A description - we have done great things with this framework. But is it the only one? I don't think so). I am not willing to go up against the establishment of academia on that, but I will remain questioning. And I will remain questioning many things. Even things I have been taught. Sometimes things only get proven to me through hands-on experimenting.

    I am very much looking forward to spending in-person time with all of you on our travel and I wish to help any way i can. I happen to have a wealth of knowledge about cell phone technology, so if you have any questions about that, I'd be happy to help. I've also traveled to foreign places and those experiences have helped refine this kind of travel. Again, feel free to contact me for anything.

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