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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Group 2 Topic - Renewable Energy

It was an interesting process, this picking a topic thing. There was some confusion about whether we should pick a topic individually, do some research on it and then choose between the individual choices as a group, or to work to together, pick a topic, research some and then post the same group topic information. I ended up doing both. I figured at least my group could look at what I thought in an organized way. But the process got us there because we all did some investigating and then hashed out a common topic between us. That topic came to be the importance of renewable energy. As we did some research, we found that Costa Rica supplies 99% of its electricity from renewable energy and is shooting to be 100% carbon free by 2021. That's pretty impressive.

Of course, there are some pitfalls and many energy issues are hotly debated. (Hydroelectric projects, for example.) It is important to understand the issues so one can speak effectively about new infrastructure decisions.

But since the energy sector is responsible for an enormous amount of carbon emissions, this seemed like an important topic to review. Comparing and contrasting renewable energy in both developing countries in Latin America and modern countries such as our own should provide some insight on how things are progressing (or not, as the case may be.)

I like my group members. We pulled together to get his done in short order and I believe we will find out some very interesting facts.

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